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Opinion: Regarding the Student Handbook
Every year TABC, like many other schools, sends out a student handbook which is meant to specify the rules and regulations of attending...

News: World's Response to ISIS
Ever since 2014, a terrorist group has been in control of parts of Iraq and Syria. This terrorist group, known by the name of ISIS...

News: Changes in Night Seder Program Reversed
Over the summer, the TABC night seder program experienced a drastic change. In past years, students, with an 85+ Gemara average, who...

News: TABC Storm Off to a Great Season
The Torah Academy sports teams are off to a tremendous start. Who says TABC isn’t good at basketball? The varsity basketball team starts...

News: Prison Break Returns in 2017
The extremely popular TV series, Prison Break, which aired its final episode on May 15, 2009, is re-airing in 2017 on Fox. There is much...

Student Poll: Cereal Killers
One of the things we, at TABC, boast about most is the lunch food. We brag about how we are located so close to Queen Anne Road, the...

Why the Electoral College Needs to Go
Since the birth of the United States of America we’ve had an Electoral College, representing the populous and states, to elect the next...

TABC Poll: Election Results
Many students in TABC have different views about the results of the 2016 presidential election. Knowing this, we went around interviewing...

The Impact of Political Comedy
Political comedy, the combination of politics and entertainment, was extremely popular during this past election season. Clips from...

International Reactions to a Trump Administration
The 2016 presidential election was certainly a shocker to many, as real-estate mogul Donald Trump won the 270 electoral votes needed to...
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