The 2016 presidential election has been like no other. Many would call it a battle between two extremely undesirable candidates. Many Americans say that whoever they will be voting for come November 8th, will be the better of two evils. However, I would argue that this election is a battle between an indecent man who is unfit for office, and an extremely qualified lady with years of experience. As Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of the Orthodox Union’s kosher division and teacher at Yeshiva University, said, “I don’t buy into the lesser of two evils. “I think [Clinton] is great. And I know she’s a good person.”
Donald Trump, time and time again manifests through his actions and remarks, that he is unfit for office. If he does win the election, it can be detrimental to our country. Shimon Peres, former President and Prime Minister of Israel, described Mr. Trump as unbelievably ignorant. Additionally, many prominent Republicans including George H.W. Bush, and John McCain have decided not to support Mr. Trump. He has made many hurtful and revolting comments such as calling Mexicans rapists and criminals, proposing to ban all Muslims from the country (which is unconstitutional), mimicking a man with special needs on live television, remarking that John McCain is not a real war hero because he was captured, calling Hillary Clinton crooked and a nasty woman and threatening to throw her in jail if he gets in office, and of course saying many additional degrading comments about women which are so inappropriate that I can not even repeat them in this article. I don't know about you, but a man who lacks any principles, who says so many hurtful things, and who has the temperament and stamina of a toddler, is not a man who I want to be my president. Why would Donald Trump not release his tax returns? Further, how could he simply deny and discredit all these cases of sexual assault against him? These question are all valid reasons to be skeptical of his fitness to be president.
Alternatively, Hillary Clinton is an incredibly qualified politician. Clinton spent four years in the White House as the First Lady, eight years as the senator of New York, and four years as the Secretary of State in the Obama administration. She has fought for many things in her political career such as: women's rights, LGBT rights, debt-free college, early childhood education, and many other important issues. Additionally, her husband and former POTUS, Bill Clinton, is known for his mastery of national economics. During his administration, the United States experienced a period of financial success and stability.
I also believe it is incredibly important to address the false claims made against Secretary Clinton by Donald Trump and others. Donald Trump continues to accuse Mrs. Clinton of not accomplishing anything in her 30 year political career. Mr. Trump always refers to her career as “all bad.” Trump continuously accuses Clinton of being a liar, corrupt and disingenuous. Well Mr. Trump, did you know that politico.com found that in 2015, 76% of your public remarks where either mostly false, entirely false, or somewhat false. Mr. Trump, why would you say you were against the war in Iraq, when you said many times that you were for it? There is zero evidence that you were ever against it. Donald Trump, how come you said that you had a very close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, when but a few months later you said you had never even met him and barely know who he was? Mr. Trump, you also stated “You see what’s happening with my poll numbers with African-Americans. They’re going, like, high.” Well this is not true either. There was never a point in this election were you were even remotely leading amongst African American voters. Last, for years you had trouble admitting that President Obama was born in the United States, simply because of his race. It is unfathomable how you, Mr. Trump and others call her the liar in this election. Also, Mr. Trump, remember how you questioned her genuineness? Well after Hillary Clinton graduated Yale Law School, she could have gone to work for a prestigious law firm, but instead took a job at the Children’s Defense Fund. She tirelessly worked with teenagers in adult prisons in South Carolina, and families with disabled children in Massachusetts. Oh, and you also questioned her accomplishments. Well Secretary Clinton worked with Republicans and Democrats to create the Children's Health insurance program, which in return cut the uninsured rate of American children by half. To this day, it provides healthcare to more than 8 million children. She also assisted 9/11 first responders in getting the healthcare they needed and deserved due to the injuries and health issues that came about because of their selfless actions.
Being a young Modern Orthodox Jew, I view a secure and strong relationship between Israel and the United States of America as paramount. In leading up to this election, Rabbi Menachem Genack responded to the criticism that Hillary constantly faces from the Orthodox population, “For the Orthodox community,” [Genack said], “it comes down to one issue: Israel. And on that issue, during Israel’s most difficult times, Bill and Hillary Clinton were there. This has been a consistent position of theirs always. I know this personally.” For example, during the hostilities between Israel and Hamas, when Hamas rockets were raining down on innocent Israeli citizens, Secretary Clinton flew to Israel to negotiate a ceasefire between the two sides. Twenty four hours after arriving, the ceasefire was in effect, resulting in one of the quietest and safest years ever in regards to the conflict. Additionally, many question her love and support for the Jewish people as a whole. Secretary Clinton is incredibly sympathetic towards Israel and the Jewish people. In a recent Jerusalem Post article entitled, “Reflecting on Private Moments with Hillary Clinton” Rabbi Kenneth Hain, Rabbi of Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence, New York, relayed one of his most memorable moments with Mrs. Clinton. He explains that his most memorable moment with Clinton occurred in his home at the family's private seder on the first night of Passover in 2002. Just a few hours before, at the Park Hotel in Netanya, there was a bombing that killed 30 Israelis and wounded 130 others. He went on to explain Secretary Clinton’s genuine concern, “She wondered if it would be appropriate to take a moment before starting the seder to reflect on the lives of those who had been killed, and to pray for all those who had been wounded, in that evening’s terrorist attack. And so we did.” I believe this story emphasizes her genuine love for the Jewish people and her sympathy for our home, the state of Israel. Furthermore, many accuse Clinton of being Anti-Israel and pro BDS. This is an absurd statement and downright false. Time and time again, Secretary Clinton has reaffirmed her opposition to BDS. Her unwavering love and support for Israel can also be seen through her strong relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a relationship that President Obama struggled to maintain. With regards to Iran, in an article entitled “To the Orthodox: Vote for Hillary”, Rabbi Menachem Genack writes: “While Hillary did support the Iran deal (wrongly, in my opinion), her position is not the same as that of President Obama. According to recent interviews conducted by the Jerusalem Post with Hillary’s inner circle, she “was uncomfortable with Obama’s approach from the start.” Hillary is an advocate for a muscular foreign policy, and she recognizes that Iran is a profound danger not only to Israel, but also to the United States” He goes on to further explain that if Iran does violate any part of the deal, which Hillary’s policy is distrust and verify, she has vowed that the United States will punish harshly and use all the military forces needed if necessary.
It is imperative to realize the situation we are dealing with. Hillary Clinton is incredibly qualified, while Donald Trump has not spent any time in any type of political office, and has never demonstrated that he is capable to do so. He has brought politics to a new low. As Michelle Obama says, “When they go low, we go high.” This is exactly what we, the rational and strong people of America, must do as Donald Trump and his supporters attempt to bring out the racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia out of the people of this country. While I do understand that Secretary Clinton has made her fair share of mistakes in her career, such as the lingering email scandal that seems to never go away, this does not outweigh Trump’s questionable actions surrounding Trump University, and his refusal to release his tax returns. In reaction to Donald Trump's actions against a Gold Star family a few months ago, President Obama said, "The notion that he [Trump] would attack a Gold Star family that made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn't appear to have basic knowledge of critical issues in Europe, the Middle East, in Asia, means that he's woefully unprepared to do this job." President Obama summed it up perfectly.
I am personally appalled and find it truly distasteful that close to half of the people of the United States of America genuinely believe he is more fit to be the President of the United States of America. I hope that on this coming Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, the people of America, and especially our orthodox community, make the obvious choice of voting for Hillary Clinton.