Every four years, America gathers to decide her new leader. It’s a time of paramount importance, in which we, the American people, give our trust to our new commander in chief. Yet today, we see something different; we do not see two people we can fully trust. We have two candidates who have been involved in more scandals than any other candidates before them, and they don’t seem to stop surfacing. We see an election more cutthroat than we've had in a long time. It’s not about who is most qualified--it’s about who is the least unqualified. There are two realistic options: Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump. Our decision as a country is seemingly impossible; on the one hand, we have a candidate who lies time and time again, and bases her entire thirty year career working for the government off of plausible deniability, and on the other hand, we have an egotistical loudmouth, who can’t tell the difference between political incorrectness, and just being a jerk. However, because he overall has better policies than Hillary, and simply isn’t Clinton, I believe that Donald Trump will make a better president than Hillary Clinton.
Trump wants to stop the crazy idea that people can just walk into America and live here. While I agree that our current path to citizenship is a lengthy process which needs to be fixed, allowing people who negatively impact our society into our country is certainly not the answer. This is not to say that I am racist against Mexicans, as many people accuse Trump of being, but it speaks to the facts. According to Fusion.net, 80% of the women that are crossing the border are raped. The people that commit these terrible crimes are the ones that we are letting in. Are these the kind of people we want to allow into our country? On top of this, Breitbart.com shows that more than 90% of the heroin in America is smuggled here through our permeable border. So our current border system allows for rapists and the distributors of almost all of the heroin to enter America; these are not people we want to let in. Trump’s famous line, “build a wall”, suddenly seems much more reasonable. He’s not being racist against Mexicans; he simply wants to stop this illegal activity. Additionally, he wants to focus on deporting the illegal immigrants that are already here. So we have someone who wants to stop crime, and someone who wants to keep the illegal aliens, and not increase our already lacking border security.
Another major disagreement between the candidates is found in their foreign policies. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is designed to protect America, and its allies. Hillary Clinton claims that we are all helping each other. In fact she stated, “our allies deliver for us every day”, referring to the countries in NATO. Despite this, only five of the 28 countries in NATO pay the required fees towards defense, according to The Wall Street Journal. With the current amount of people paying, America, along with these four other countries, has to pay for all 28 countries. Besides for how tremendously unfair this is, it’s 100% against the bylaws stated in The North Atlantic Treaty. Trump has a fairer view on foreign policy in regards to NATO. He was asked if the members of NATO could trust America to aid them if any of them were attacked by Russia, should Trump become president. He responded by saying, “Have they fulfilled their obligations to us? If they fulfill their obligations to us, the answer is yes.” We have a treaty which obligates its participants to pay a certain amount, and the fact of the matter is that they just aren’t paying. They are taking the positives of NATO, without committing to their duties and responsibilities. Trump wants to finally end this crazy notion that we should just allow them to take from us without giving back. He wants to stop these countries from walking all over us. Whereas, Hillary would continue to allow the majority of NATO to, in essence, steal from us.
The fact is, Hillary Clinton would be worse for America than Donald Trump would be. Does this mean that I think Donald Trump will be all good, and no bad? Of course not. I am totally aware of his flaws. I just believe that his flaws would have less of an impact on our country than Clinton’s flaws. For me, that's enough to support voting for him. The reason I say that I support voting for him, and not that I support his campaign is that I don't fully support him. I don’t share his ideology in certain areas, and I know that he doesn’t represent my entire view of American politics. While this remains true, I believe that the fact that the alternative option is worse, is a good enough reason to support voting for him, and all Americans should take that into account.
Donald Trump would be a better president than Hillary Clinton. He will create border security, whereas Hillary would only let things get more and more out of control, he will fix our currently broken foreign policies, and he is simply better than the alternative option. If and when you vote, think about who you are supporting, consider your options and come to a decision that you can appreciate. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have done things that they should be ashamed of, and in turn have shamed the nation as a whole, but this is our reality, and it’s a reality that we have to live with. Hillary will keep America on the path that it’s already on, a steady path towards destruction. Tuesday’s election may not be an easy split second decision, but the important things in life are rarely so.