Many students in TABC have different views about the results of the 2016 presidential election. Knowing this, we went around interviewing our student body to get an idea of what people think. Question were asked to students with different personal views, which are reflected in their responses. First, one student, who requested to remain anonymous, exclaimed “I think it is ridiculous that people are rioting over the election, because it won’t change the outcome; Donald Trump won’t just say, ‘I won’t be president.’” This student is clearly very frustrated and just wants our country to be the great democracy that it is. On the other side of the spectrum, Yonatan Sturm and Eli Sadek stated that “Donald Trump is unpredictable” showing their clear dislike and unease regarding the president-elect. Aharon Nissel said “It was very stressful,” referring to the entire long process of the election cylce. Daniel Honikman, a satisfied Trump supporter said, “I am happy America is great again.”
To get an even broader view of the student body’s opinion, a poll was sent out the sophomore and junior grades and here are the results.