When Donald J. Trump was elected president, the country suddenly became torn in two. The internet flooded with comments supporting and denouncing the new president-elect. In TABC, it’s clear that there’s a divide between both sides. Even a week after the election, magnets and stickers can be seen around the school both supporting and criticizing Trump. Debates over whether Trump will be a capable president have raged rampant throughout the TABC hallways. Many have claimed that Trump’s tremendous business success will correlate to tremendous success as president. Trump’s supporters have argued that since Trump was able to overcome adversity during his business ventures, he will be able to overcome adversity during his political ventures as well. While there are many students at TABC who support the election of Trump, a large percentage of students would have preferred that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, had been elected. Clinton’s supporters have argued that Trump’s business success will not necessarily correlate to political success. They have claimed that politics is an issue completely irrelevant to business and that just because Trump was successful in business does not mean that he will be successful in politics. Many students also oppose Trump’s election because of the lack of clarity in his policies and views. Trump has been known to frequently contradict himself when describing his views and appear uneducated with regard to details of the issues with which he is dealing. As a result, many believe that during his presidential term, Trump will not adequately deal with many of the issues within which the president of the United States delves. Lastly, many students oppose the election of Trump because of his racist and sexist views. Trump has repeatedly spoken ill of women as well as frequently boasting about his sexual assault of numerous women. Trump also refers to foreigners such as Mexicans and Pakistanis as people that will destroy American society if the United States continues to allow them to come to our country. However, many have pointed out that most immigrants from these places actually contribute to American society and make it a better place. Many students are displeased with Trump’s condemnation of these foreigners for no apparent reason. Most students would rather have had Clinton been elected president. These students claim that Clinton’s superior political experience as well as her concrete political policies would have enabled her to be a better president than Trump.
Even though there’s a clear and heated split between both sides, it’s essential that they come together. After 16 months of divisiveness, there’s nothing gained by being angry and opposed as it will do nothing more than create an even bigger divide. To work successfully as a whole, we need to, as Donald Trump said “Sew the wounds of divisiveness.” The government can’t function if it’s split, as nothing will get passed in Congress. If we want to have a government that can pass laws and do what’s good for us, we have to trust that they’re doing the right thing, even if it’s not what we necessarily want.