Hillary Clinton represents for so many Americans what is wrong with the political system. She not only made many mistakes, but she was also a very unlikable person. Also the fact that her last name is Clinton does factor into the perception that she embodies for Americans--the corruption of government. Although she had an idea of getting more supporters on the last day by sending out representatives to advocate her committee, this was not enough to convince the nation out of her corrupt system of thinking.
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Donald Trump, on the other hand, taps into this extreme dislike of Washington that is pervasive among many working class Americans
There is a deep sense of mistrust of our government from working class Americans, as they feel that they have been forgotten. Within the political arena that is filled with politicians being bought, there is not much attention or care given to the working class American.
This phenomenon has resulted in what many have called a "hidden vote". There are groups of voters, specifically these angry working class Americans mostly from more rural areas who, on November 8th, came out and demonstrated their contempt for the Washington establishment. The reason the polls were horribly miscalculated is particularly because many polls did not factor in this surprising and hidden vote with great impact.
People now expect that drastic changes will be made by President Trump regarding issues such as national security, immigration, the declining economy, and more. Trump has pledged to increase the Guantánamo population, as well as bring harsher ways of torture to “bad people.” Some believe Trump will also get started on building his wall separating the U.S./Mexico border an increase the border patrol by a significant amount.
The public has compared President-elect Trump to Ronald Reagan. They believe he will drain the swamp in Washington D.C., lower taxes, restore law and order, stop the influx of Syrian refugees, repeal and replace Obamacare, protect our second amendment, help our veterans, make sure all our citizens stay safe and, most importantly, revive our economy as people believe it needs to be revived. That is what many expect from president-elect Trump.