What Are Your Winter Break Plans?
Winter break is just around the corner, which means it’s time to make sure everyone knows what everyone will be doing during the intersession. Many will be travelling to vacation spots around the country, but within this large group, opinions vary when it comes to the purpose of traveling. Some believe that it is a time to relax and spend time away from the people you regularly see, and enjoy vacation with family exclusively. Other’s don't really care about “getting away” from the normal crowd of friends and don’t mind going away with the usual faces.
Another common disagreement when it comes to winter vacation is the kind of climate people prefer if they decide to travel. Some prefer a warmer, sunnier climate so they can escape the cold and snowy east coast, while others enjoy the snow and travel to places where they can ski and snowboard. In a recent poll conducted by Eye of the Storm, students were asked a series of questions regarding their winter vacation plans. From the results of the poll, it is evident that the most popular travel destination is Florida. Whether it is due to the warm weather or to the high abundance of tri-state area relatives who reside there, Florida will always be a favorite vacation spot. Second in the poll came a place many people might not have guessed: home. A lot of people take it for granted that their families go away for vacation. What they don’t realize is that a good amount of people don’t go anywhere; they stay home.
In addition to where students plan to go for winter vacation, students were also asked if they thought coming back to school after the long break would be difficult. The response was overwhelmingly, yes. It’s not shocking that the majority of students have trouble coming back to school off of a nice long vacation. They all love getting a break from schoolwork, and when it’s time to come back, it can be a bit depressing.
All in all, there is a lot to learn about winter break and how students relate to it: where people go, why they go, and how difficult it is to return. What often goes unnoticed is that a handful of people stay home for vacation. This may come as a shock to some people who thought that going away is a given. The reality, however, is that not everyone wants to or can even afford to leave home, and that if you are fortunate enough to go away, you should appreciate every moment and not take it for granted. Regardless of how you spend your break, we hope you enjoy it!