Supreme is an addictive problem mainly for teenagers. The dangers of Supreme include the loss of money, students paying less attention to their school work, and it may even lead to the loss of friends. These are among the reasons why Supreme needs to be stopped.
Supreme is addictive because teens might spend so much money on it and often will not make it all back. Supreme buyers lose money when the product they bought does not resell, or when they have to sell it for less than they spent. This will result in the buyers trying multiple times to resell in order to make the money back, which will ultimately lead to more losses.
Supreme can be compared to gambling because you keep on spending money, with the only way to make it back being to win more (but in this case, to resell more clothing). We all know that gambling is very addictive. Gambling is not something that should be done forever and it can eventually lead to complete bankruptcy. Supreme can as well.
Another problem: students who get addicted to Supreme might begin to care more about Supreme than school. Not only will they stay up all night trying to get the right product that resells for the most money, but they might end up skipping school as well.
A recent article on Vice.com stated that “hundreds of people skip school or work to get first dibs” on Supreme items. This can lead to students failing or dropping out of school. The distraction of Supreme can keep students from having education be their main focus and not getting into good colleges.
The endless distraction of Supreme might also lead to teens losing friends. The students who buy Supreme can start to feel that they are much better than everyone else. Their haughty attitude stems from the fact that Supreme is such a big deal among high schoolers.
People can become this way because they have all the most expensive things and take pleasure showing it off, thinking that they are the best. They will lose friends because other kids don’t want to be friends with people who are full of themselves.
Supreme, though, can be very beneficial. The reason for this is that it helps young teens get a feel of how to make money and how to become successful entrepreneurs. However, all of the negatives outweigh the positives. This makes Supreme a problem that needs to be stopped.