TABC recently installed two new Chickies touch screen machines, one in the lunchroom and one in the student lounge. These will allow people to order and receive food from Chickies without leaving school, greatly improving the students' lunch.
Even though these screens have already been installed, these tablets are not expected to be available for use until the middle of January 2020.
The touch screens will give students the ability to order the famous Chickies sandwiches, such as the Cap’n Munch, as well as delicious fried chicken.
The sandwich prices will be the same as they are in the store: around 10 dollars for half a sandwich and around 15 dollars for a full sandwich. However, there will likely be an extra fee because of delivery costs.
To use the machines, the student must first touch the screen, setting off the appearances of all of the meal options. Next, he can make his choice by tapping on one of the options. The student would then insert his credit card to pay for the Chickies delivery.
There are many reasons why these screens will improve life in our school.
One reason is that it makes ordering from Chickies so much easier. Chickies is pretty far away from the school and, by having these touch screens, students can enjoy their lunch and accomplish other tasks by avoiding the long walk.
Another great reason for these screens is the weather change. It’s becoming increasingly cold outside; by having these screens, students can stay inside the warm school and avoid getting sick while still enjoying a delicious lunch.
Rabbi Yablok agrees with these sentiments, claiming that students will benefit by staying in school, now that the weather is getting colder
Speaking personally, I like how this can potentially set a trend. Although other restaurants such as Chopstix and The Humble Toast have already established days where students can order delivery services, there has never been a machine like this in TABC before.
Other restaurants can add items like this to enhance their business as well as the lunch experience of our students. I would like to see the pizza stores in the area -- especially EJ’s -- install this tablet in school as well. This Chickies tablet can quickly become a model for other Teaneck restaurants.
Rabbi Yablok says that the school is open to exploring this type of project with other restaurants: “We are definitely considering [it].”
Junior Noam Barenholtz thinks that this tablet will be a great addition to the school: “They can be used positively and will be useful for students”. He also thinks it is a “win-win” for both parties involved, as Chickies gets good business and students can stay inside.
Junior Itai Hudes agreed with Barenholtz’s assessment: “Really cool; cannot wait for them to start working.” He also thinks more students will buy because of the weather change: “Now that it’s cold, people will not want to go out.”
The only real negative is that students can only pay through credit cards, not cash. Since not all students have credit or debit cards, this is certainly a limitation.
Interestingly, this idea came from Chickies themselves. As Rabbi Yablok said, “Chickies approached us.” Yablok also noted that there was not much risk when doing this experiment: “They showed us the prototype and it seems like it was used before.”
Chickies’ owner Shmuel Mozorosky explained why he suggested our school adopt the tablets: “We wanted to simplify the Chickies’ ordering process.” He also wanted to give us the opportunity to stay in school. This project has also been implemented successfully in Heichal Hatorah, a different Teaneck yeshiva.
Mozorosky is looking forward to expanding his relationship with TABC: “We plan to do events.” This is very exciting for all of us.