“But I already have fun on the internet, Yakov,” I hear you say.
And I’m sure you’re right and you probably do have fun on the internet. You probably use social media with your friends, and watch funny videos on TikTok and Youtube, and I’m sure it’s a lot of fun.
But I ask you, have you ever made something funny that you’re proud of on the internet? If not, then I can tell you it’s by far the most enjoyable thing you can do. Lucky for you, I’m here to show you how to make stuff.
The first thing is making ✨cool pictures✨. For best results, I recommend taking Mr. Tief’s Digital Design and Photoshop class, which will grant you access to ADOBE products and have Mr. Tief guide you himself.
For those who aren’t in that elective and want a free alternative, I have just the tool for you: Google Drawing.
How do you use Google Drawing? Read carefully, because this might be a little hard to understand.
You take an image, whether it’s from online or your own phone camera, and then you copy and paste it to your canvas. Then, you take another image, and put it on top of the first. And… you’re done.
Mind blowing, I know, but it’s really that simple! In fact, you can even add multiple pics if you’re feeling wild.
As an example, I’ll take this picture of Eliyah and me…
…and put this massive burger...
…...in our mouths (it was delicious, by the way). So, how do I do it? First, I copy and paste the image of us to Google Drawings, and I center it by dragging it to the middle, using these red lines that indicate that it’s centered in each direction:
(Alternatively, you could achieve the same effect by right-clicking on the image and selecting “Center on page.”) Then I copy and paste the cropped hamburger picture onto the same Google Drawing (note: whatever is added most recently is put on the top layer). Then, I turn this dot on top to rotate the burger image.
Finally, I move over the burger to fit in our mouths… and violà! It is completed and beautiful:
Woah woah woah woah woah. Woah. WOAH, I hear you say. You skipped a step there: how did you get the cropped burger picture? You’re right, and good job being so keen with your reading. To crop the burger, I used the Sticker Maker app for IOS (link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sticker-maker-studio/id1443326857).
All you have to do is make one blank sticker pack and then tap on one of the blank boxes - this will prompt you to select an image using a number of methods.
I opted to copy and paste the burger from the text I sent on WhatsApp. There are then five given ways to crop it, and three are completely obvious how to use. The way I cropped it, though, was by using the “freehand” crop that let me use my finger to outline the cropping.
(Note: The other unclear cropping method is Smart Select, which automatically crops everything out of the picture except for people).
From there, you can press “save sticker” to save it on the app, and then click on the box with the sticker to copy or share it (so you can add it to your Google Drawing).
Additionally, you can take a screenshot of a finished Google Drawing and make it a sticker on the sticker maker.
That’s it! As easy as that! Now go and do likewise.