The time was 10:22.
As I entered the Storm Cafe, a dim gleam from a few overhead lights casted an aura of calmness on me and the cafeteria. Even though it brought a soft luminosity to the tan tables, I still felt like I had butterflies in my stomach.
This interview had to go through so many hoops to set up. I knew it could only be as good as the interviewer and the questions I asked.
I let go of my breath, realizing I was holding it in. I was worried.
I was anxious.
But I was ready…
…at least…
…I had to be.
Minutes passed.
Then, just when I was getting impatient, the door opened. Covered by the blinding shine of the hallway, in walked the founders of Yitz and Dan's Cafe™️, the seniors Yitzchak Shapiro and Daniel Grin.
The interview…had begun.
It’s almost impossible to remember a time when the door between the washing station and the Ping Pong Table were not used for, arguably, the most impactful addition to the student body's day-to-day school experience.
I mean, the space wasn’t the most underutilized part of the school, but it definitely wasn't the most memorable. This year, that notion has been put to rest. Yitz and Dan's Cafe™️ has improved the school immensely by providing local breakfast food for affordable prices.
No need to go out for breakfast (or lunch, if you’re feeling like it). It’s all here!
But who are the titular duo, Yitz and Dan? Why and how did they start this business? And why a Cafe specifically?
Not only will these questions be answered, but also comments on their current situation and future plans will be featured. Stay tuned.
I asked the duo about how the project first began.
“It started small, but got bigger,” Shapiro noted. “Dan had the idea to sell coffees, and we did that. Later, we wanted something bigger: to make a cafe in the school.”
This would begin a period of trials and tribulations, as each step taken towards this idea involved jumping through many hoops. First, they had to convince the administration to give their establishment the green light.
But there were issues that could have gotten out of hand if not dealt with responsibly and appropriately.
“The cleanliness of the room was the real issue,” Shapiro observed. “Also, how would the cafe interfere with our classes and the school in general? It took all of July to confirm these decisions.”
Though the administration had some doubts, they were eventually swayed by the many benefits of having a responsibly-run cafe in the school. Aside from the convenience for students, the Cafe looks good at an Open House. And it does allow two of our students to grow in their business experience.
“We had to do a lot of convincing to turn the Cafe into something more than an idea,” said Grin. “But it wasn't a hard thing because it was a benefit for the whole school. They thought we would have failed after a few weeks, but it lasted for many months afterwards.“
The reasons for their success were simple: hard work and dedication. Those two words are often paired together as a lazy cliche, but Yitz and Dan really took them to heart. They spent lots of free time setting up the Cafe and learning many new skills, such as cooking.
“We had to create recipes; we had to practice recipes. It takes a lot of practice and preparation to gain the skills we need today,” Grin said.
The effort put into the food and cooking materials shows how much pride and effort they put into doing the work themselves.
“We would only do this if we served good food,” Shapiro said. “All the equipment either came from the coffee shop and/or our own pocket to make it happen.”
The entrepreneurs found it easy to agree on the chief highlight of their experiences: the satisfaction of seeing all their hard work pay off.
“Working hard and seeing it come through,” said Grin. “We gave up an entire month working to get it set up. To see it all come to fruition is very satisfying.”
Not many feel this feeling, but it’s one that can only come from trial and error, and the euphoric result is really something beautiful.
It seemed like there was a lot of work and effort put into this establishment. But some would say none of that would matter if their business failed to take off. Now, let's see if…oh, of course it did. What? Do you think I don't do my research?
You’ve seen them busy at work; they’re still open, making purchases and taking orders like it’s their business (which, of course, it is).
“It’s going better than we thought,” said Grin. “This month, we’ve made 4,000 dollars in sales.”
Grin added that his customers tell him the Cafe is “amazing because it really advances the school experience.”
Set-up is always a busy part of their day. Immediately after davening, they set up for breakfast, their busiest time. They are also open during third period, lunch, and mincha break.
Marketing the Cafe seemed like it might be difficult, but big things like this get noticed very quickly. Word of mouth spread quickly.
The fact that they’ve been working hard during the day to complete schoolwork and run their business shows how dedicated they are to the success of the cafe, no matter how exhausted it leaves them.
“The school days and its workload run [us] down, but it’s about putting the hard work in that pushes us forward. It’s hard work with the best results,” said Shapiro.
Now, that effort is all very good, and supporting small businesses is like my third favorite thing to do in school. But none of that will matter very much if the cafe isn’t patronized by the student body. So how are things going in that regard?
Getting the average person's opinion on Yitz and Dan's Cafe™️ is what really matters here. After all, an establishment is only successful if its customers feel it is. Quite obviously, I needed more interviews to see the full picture.
That is why I talked to a few students from around the school to ask their thoughts about the Cafe. Because, as you know, you only need to look at a few people's opinions to judge a whole group.
But, first, I have to give my own opinion. This food rocks. Double Down Wake Up Wrap? Marvelous. Pancakes? Splendid. Their coffee? Not the worst thing ever. I know, shocking but true (hire me, guys - you can see I’m really good at this marketing gig).
All right, all right…no more teasing. Let’s see what student’s experiences with Yitz and Dan's Cafe™️ have been like.
People really seem to like its convenience. Senior Nani Rudnitzky identifies that as his favorite part of the Cafe.
"I love how we have a cafe and people can just eat in school," said Rudnitzky.
He also mentioned that his favorite dish was the Double Down Wake Up Wrap, also a favorite among many students. Freshman Jonathan Billauer is a fan of all the aspects of the Cafe, but he especially likes the DDWUW.
Junior Eli Fisch (whose favorite dish is the Nutella Pancakes) highlights the Cafe’s synergy with the school day and the students themselves.
“It’s run by students in the school, and it’s always available during breakfast and lunch,” he observed.
This enthusiasm for the cafe will definitely continue in the future.
Now it’s time for some insider information about what to expect from the future of Yitz and Dan's Cafe™️.
I bet y’all are wondering what’s coming next. Well, lemme tell ya, it ain’t gonna be a letdown…but if you think so after reading this, then, OK, fine - but, please, just give it a chance.
For starters.we might need to say goodbye to some items on the menu. Gasp! I know, I know - we’ve all grown attached to the original menu for the past five months, but no one gets it right the first time.
Which items are being removed? I don’t know. Industry secrets are secrets, but word on the street is that the boys will be ditching items that weren’t selling well. That’s all for the better.
For all of you Lunch lovers out there (and I know you're out there), the Cafe will have you covered. Pizza, mozzarella sticks, and some new sandwiches are being added for your mid-day enjoyment. Huzzah!
The boys have also noticed that the same items usually get sold, so they plan to advertise lesser-bought items in order to push them forward.
And, of course, you’ll want to know if the Cafe will last into next year. While both Yitz and Dan will be in Israel next year (since they’re now 12th graders), they hope they can hire and train students to continue their legacy after they’re gone.
Might be a good opportunity to gain some experience, hmm? But it also might not happen, so don't hold your breath.
OK, maybe hold it a bit longer. But be aware that nothing is truly confirmed until it happens.
Well….that's all. You learned about the past, present, and future of Yitz and Dan's Cafe™️. Did you really read this far? Impressive. Usually people don't stick around for the end. They mostly just skim through articles like these...but that's not the point right now.
The point right now is that it's impressive to see people really push for an idea and make it a reality. And all it took was time and effort. Yes, that came with sacrifices, but Shapiro and Grin both agree it was well worth it.
So make sure to not let your memes be dreams. Follow their example and bring something new to the world!